Scott also researches the effects of differences in cultural thinking on business decisions by particularly comparing European/North American, Sub-Saharan African, East Asian, and South Asian ways of thinking. Scott's research opens up interesting comparisons of thought patterns among Sub-Saharan ethnic communities.
While lecturing is an art, research is a science. Scott focuses on quantitative research in the field of organizational behavior. Variables investigated through Scott's questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews include: organizational trust (reliance, disclosure), trustworthiness (ability, benevolence, integrity), organization commitment, felt trust, job satisfaction, life satisfaction, job performance, perceived performance, in-role behavior, organization citizenship behavior (individual and organizational), intention to quit, life satisfaction, organization tenure, gender, culture, procedural justice, organizational justice, and transformational leadership.
Scott utilizes structural equation modeling to determine the optimal fit for the antecedents, attitudes, and behavior. Paths may take mediated routes with moderated influences.
Scott researches extensively on trust issues within companies. Trust exists as a necessary ingredient for all employee-manager relationships. However, the dynamics of trust and its importance in organizational success often go unnoticed or unexamined by executives and business owners.
Most recently, Scott conducted research in over a dozen mircofinance banks conducting hundreds of extensive surveys among loan officers across East and Southern Africa. Scott's findings dramatically differ with cultural ways of thinking in Western and Eastern nations as compared to Sub-Saharan African employee perceptions.